Sunday, October 10, 2010


The Hand of Death and Disease

Afrikan Americans are dying at a higher rate than any other ethnic group, from preventable diseases, caused by THE CHOICES THAT WE WILLINGLY FOLLOW AND PUT IN OUR OWN MOUTHS, AND FEED TO OUR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES EVERY DAY!

I'm writing about our diets- the common western-roman-slave High Carbohydrate/ High Acidic diets, that the majority of people eat in the west. Although Stress, PTSD (Post Traumatic Slavery Disorders,) Pollution, Contamination, Poisons, and Drugs, in our air, water and food aren't enough, and the normal day-in-day-out Micro-Aggression stresses from racism, Racial Profiling, and disenfranchisement takes it's toll on our bodies with excessive cortisol production, we still have choices, like our habits of diet and exercise, that we can choose and control!

American Afrikans have the highest rates of the following diseases, among the population of the U.S. (maybe even the rest of the world where we have assimilated western European culture.)

I list the 5 fingers on THE HAND OF DISEASE AND DEATH:

1. Heart attacks

2. Strokes,

3. type 2 Diabetes,

4. High-blood pressure

5. All Cancers,

These disease death rates are higher than Homicide- including Hate crimes, Black on Black Murder, police brutality killing, and war! These diseases are like a ball and chain, to an already stressful existence. Without a healthy disease-free lifestyle, one is bound to, and often at the mercy of, an often dysfunctional, drug-pushing medical system. As we follow the highly commercialized junk food pushers, we are eating ourselves (and with our own hands serving to our children) a path to misery and an early grave.

Yes, All of these diseases are treated by medical doctors with surgery and long-term medications. I have concluded that the 5 diseases that I have listed, are caused simply by diet choices and lack of exercise and that can be prevented by simply making healthy diet and exercise choices.

Many of our people live by a 2 fisted grip on death and disease on our family.

African Americans suffer disproportionately from several major health problems associated with high morbidity and mortality. The 1985 DHHS Secretary's Task Force Report on Blacks and Other Minorities identified six major disease categories of excess deaths for African Americans compared with whites by applying the lower death rate for whites to the American population. The report provided a stimulus for public and private action to begin to address the health disparities between minority and non-minority populations. This article examines three of the leading causes of death for African Americans and assesses the extent to which the health disparity between African Americans and whites has been reduced. An extensive list of barriers to reducing the disparity are presented from the scientific literature and strategies for reducing the three health problems are recommended.

10 Leading Causes of Death for African Americans

(Causes of Death from 2010)

1. Heart Disease
2. Cancer
3. Stroke
4. Diabetes
5. Unintentional Injuries
6. Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome, and Nephrosis (Kidney Diseases)
Chronic Kidney Disease
7. Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease
8. Homicide- Youth Violence
9. Septicemia
10. Alzheimer's Disease

That's the reason I became vegetarian. I found that our Beef livestock used to eat grass, nurse their own young and roam the prairies as part of a natural habitat. Our Nubian Pastoral and Shepherd Kings- Ancestors from Afrika were the first to Corral and Herd animals through open prairies. -Now, these animals are artificially grown and live in containment factory structures - bred over and over again by the same siblings or cloned in a science center. Often this meat comes from devitalized clones, grown from stem cells. All of this "meat" (Pork, Beef, Chicken, and Fish) has been adulterated. These creatures eat pellets of the remains of their predecessors, that were scooped up from the slaughterhouse! They are injected with antibiotics and hormone growth accelerators. They stand all of their limited lives, on top of their own waste...They are bred through artificial insemination. They are never allowed to bond or see their offspring after they are produced or receive any kind of affection. (That is how many of our ancestors were treated too!)

I attribute a lot of our obesity and cholesterol problems to the consumption of animal fats particularly lard found in pork. While many have argued in defense of pork consumption, (I'm sure that the pork industry has taken a severe blow from the "Swine Flu" coo) it has been quipped "God made everything!" and the notoriously misinterpreted "Arise Peter slay and eat." Yet, when it comes to the justification of serving this gall to our Afrikan families, please, let me ask you this;

Would you eat; decay, fungus, flies, cockroaches, maggots, scavenger carcasses, like vultures, hawks, hyenas and reptiles, plastic, poisons, acid, dirt, feces, rotting carcasses, and molding rotten fruits and vegetables? (God made these too!) Do you know that a worm-infested pig will eat this stuff and not even get sickened by it!

The United States Food System has changed! We are no longer receiving the same foods and varieties that our families consumed 40 years ago! 

See: Codex Alimentarius.  

REMEMBER! THE SURVIVORS OF KATRINA--- who suffered from Diabetes, Cancer, and High blood pressure diseases ---WERE LEFT TO DIE FOR LACK OF FRESH MEDICATIONS! For instance, when the supply of fresh insulin was unavailable to administer to a diabetic, because of lack of electricity and refrigeration,- these people were given a blanket, and comforting words, then abandoned in the presence of medical staff, first aid, and emergency clinics, to transition, waste away, go into shock and die!

Here are some of the criminal, deadly contenders that we feed ourselves and our families every day:
  • Processed sugar 
  • (High fructose) -corn syrup (candy, sweets,) 
  • Processed Salt
  • Adulterated Animals: Pork, Beef, Chicken and fish consumption as processed meat, (sausage, bologna, hot-dogs, canned) Artificial Crab, butter, lard, whey, oils, (also found in lotions, hair care products, makeup, and other cosmetics)
  • Processed devitalized, white foods, that are starched based carbohydrates, genetically modified grains- Corn and Wheat Flour gluten products - white flour, white rice, white potatoes  
  • Highly acidic and non-nutritive filler "fake foods" also known as junk foods and "snacks", All highly preserved and processed foods and snacks with benzine and other preservatives
  • Milk (Puss!)- and processed dairy products - Butter, Cheese, Ice cream, whey, Yogurt, WE ARE NOT INFANT COWS!
  • Impure and acidic drinking water filled with fluoride, Chlorine, mercury, and lead= (unfiltered tap water)
  • Carbonated, sugary and highly preserved beverages that mimic 100% fruit juice (What is "Cool Aid" anyway?!)
  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Microwaved and irradiated foods
  • Foods wrapped and contained in Aluminum, foam, and plastics (baby Bottles, Nipples, sippy cups, and plastic drinking bottles)
  • "Fast foods" with high levels of sodium, white carbohydrate starches and Acrylamide-
  • Toxic Chemicals on your skin and hair. Remember that your biggest organ, the skin, and scalp- breathes and eats whatever topical product from the cosmetic industry, you put on it- namely petroleum Jelly, arsenic, formaldehyde, and other toxic chemicals. 

Top Sources of Food Carcinogens

Any charred food - from burnt popcorn - to burnt toast, is highly carcinogenic.
Meat in general (in terms of the fats associated) is carcinogenic, especially overcooked meat.
Smoked/ roasted foods like soya, roasted corn, and grilled fish -heated with harmful materials such as tires, treated wood, polyethylene bags, rubber materials etc.
Acrylamide is found in browned foods like bread crust, toast and broiled meats.
Sugar is carcinogenic - whether white or brown. Instead of sugar, substitute honey or Stevia leaves
Stomach cancer is associated with high salt intake, with spicy foods and smoked food
Sodas and Energy drinks are carcinogenic for a variety of reasons beyond their high sugar content and harmful additives.
Artificial sweeteners, sucralose, and particularly aspartame, are carcinogenic
Excessive alcohol with so many preservatives is toxic
Trans fats found in fries and snack chips are carcinogenic
Microbial contaminants and toxins like aflatoxins found in Aspergillum infected nuts and seeds
Chemical food additives (Artificial flavorants, colorants, preservatives) eg. nitrosamines which is a preservative is a cancer precursor
Fluoride and Chloride and may other toxic chemicals and preservatives, found in most beverages and water is Carcinogenic. Question the water content of most beverages; they often use tap water to prepare at restaurants and commercial soft drinks.
Unfortunately, the very container that most processed foods and drinks are stored- is carcinogenic.

SO, WHAT'S LEFT? What other alternative choices do we have?


  • Fresh Fruits- raw as possible, naturally sweet
  • Fresh Vegetables- as raw as possible
  • Whole organic grains- from real grains! Buckwheat, Quinoa, Teff, Amaranth, Kamit, Spelt, Rye, Wild rice, (not genetically modified)
  • Sprouted beans and seeds
  • Seeds and Nuts
  • Herbs
  • The bounty and varieties of Certified or non-certified Organic, heirlooms, homegrown, Foods
  • Clean alkaline water
  • Fresh Clean Air- (even good smelling- natural things like uncut flowers are good for ya and good to ya)
  • Lots of Exercise, Meditation and Rest
  • Creative, Inventiveness, production and manufacture of our own goods, products and foods,
We are the ones who must emancipate ourselves and our progeny from mental slavery! For our own survival, we must cultivate and relearn healthy ways, traditions, and cultural values. It is vital that we acquire an appetite for and a "hunger and thirst after" a righteous lifestyle and not a death-style!

As Women (Womb of mankind,) we have a greater responsibility to support and promote our own health and wellness, as well as a healthy lifestyle and (not a death-style!) for our family and neighborhoods.

IF The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world, then WE MUST each TEACH A GIRL-TO HEAL A NATION!

*It is important to take control of your environment Brother Suns and Sistars . Check, change up, and/or go on a fast from your habits. 
*Take a vacation from the media and Technology- TV, Radio, Internet, Cellphone. (5G is real). 
*Get out into the sun and expose as much skin as possible to the rays of the sun. Blink at the sun and let it shine on your forehead. 
*Stay hydrated with WATER. not "liquids" Sugar, Alcohol, and Caffeinated drinks are dehdrants. Meditate and Walk by a body water to raise your Ions. 
*Put some plants in your house and heat Himalayan Salt in your sleeping areas. 
*EAT a plant-based diet as much as possible- Raw is Best. Take technology out of your sleeping room. Add some fresh dandelions to your salad- Eat the yellow flowers, the stems, the roots, and the leaves. Eat some pumpkin seed to flush out parasites, and drink your bitters to flush your kidneys and liver. Consider a massage therapist and a Reiki healer... for more info Inbox our page: AMEN PAR ANKH Sacred Temple of Life

Kandaki-Ma Nuta Beqsu (Adenike Amen-Ra)

I hope you have enjoyed our presentation. Amen Par Ankh is our Outreach ministry. Please support our initiatives...

(c) All rights reserved. No part of this Blog may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the author; Nuta Beqsu Adenike AmenRa

We are available for Lectures, Panel Discussions, Conferences, and Workshops, along with an Af-Ra-Ka-N Centered curriculum for youth STEAM homeschooling, Workshops, and Itinerate Tutoring. 
We live in our ancient KMT Spiritual systems to serve our community in Libations, Griot Spoken Word Presentations, KMT Wedding, Naming and ReBirth, Personal consultations for Nia (Purpose), Health, Career and, Relationship, and Ascension officiant, Salutations and Blessings for new beginnings, (Home and Businesses blessings), Afrikan Storytelling. Amen Par Ankh is a Sacred Temple of Life- We are a KRST conscious Community. We Grow Food to restore balance in our relationship with the cosmos, earth, and our Natural communities by increasing awareness of Life, Health, and Environment. We are a Maafia a "Healthy Place To Live" Amen Ankh Urban Farm’s Mission is to produce, promote, and perpetuate food, resources, and comfort and to grow local healthy Indigenous Foods in environmentally, respected, earth gentle ways. Call Us-816-281-7704 
Contact: or Phone: 816-281-7704

The information on this website has been put together for general information, education, reference, Spirituality Current Events, and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to provide medical advice. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any specific condition. Ask your American Medical Doctor for professional advice before making radical changes in your diet and lifestyle.

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