Saturday, January 1, 2011

Matriarchal Society, POLYGYNY | POLYGAMY

Polygamy/Polygyny expert Esther Stanford gives a sharp and profound scholastic food for thought on polygamy and African people.

African Marriage Customs from Halaqah Films

"Polygamy became taboo with Colonialism due to the conflict with inheritance in large families, the social-economic threat caused by increased African populations and the Eurocentric Christian/puritanical values.
However today polygamy is still a reality and is becoming an option in the African Diaspora in response to social dilemmas. Polygamy within the framework of law and balance is a viable aspect of African family systems which is existed from Kemet to Sokoto.

Perception of African self has been so given to us by the “other” that it is hard to distinguish what is indigenous intelligence and what is a product of mental conditioning because of the European dynamic.

There is a great confusion around modernity with progress and development and too often Westernization or more specific Europeanization is collapses into modernity.

African people must objectively re-examine structures that were the backbone of their historical development in an attempt to successfully engage in modernity. "

CHOICE IS THE OPERATIVE WORD! In the Matriarchal society, the WOMEN made the Choice to take on another wife!

I reflect on The Biblical prose of  The Virtuous Woman... "

The Virtuous Woman is a married wife to her husband, and queen of her household. She owns land and provides resources to her community. She is in charge of making selective choices on the provision of her household. This proverb speaks of Children, her Husband, Maidens, Elders, Land, a Vineyard, Handwoven tapestry, clothing, merchandise, Selling, distribution, and vending and Philanthropy. The Caretakers of her children, Educators, Agriculturalist, Water, food, and sanitation are Present. Industries such as Wood Carving, Animal Husbandry, Woven fibers from Flax, Silk, and Cotton, as well as Leather, Wool, organic dyes, Wax collecting, Candle making, grinding wheat, Bakeries, Food preparation and processing etc., were mentioned in her household.

Our Afrikan Women dwelled in successful matriarchal communities. Our early Matriarchal societies were a society of hermaphrodites, in that they were able to procreate their own girls. Women were Rulers, Queens, and Mothers; which were roles that maintained harmony and prosperity in the gnome society. Our ancient societies Venerated the Black Pregnant Mother as Goddesses! So, the whole of society worked to the prosperity of new life and the pregnant Mother.

Auset was the first Queen Mother to give birth in immaculate conception a male Sun named Heru!

Much later, Marriage began to be a very significant achievement. It was the merger of Gnome families, This provided an abundance of wealth and resources. Of course, she couldn't do this all alone! Often, in the matriarchal society, the new bride would either be negotiated with a bride price from the groom's family. This bride price may be cattle, gold or other precious minerals, game. or many other produced or manufactured materials. The bride price paid for the loss of her valuable role in the economics of their family Gnome. The Bride may also bring her own inheritance of resources, Land and a staff of workers from her family through marriage endowment. The Matriarch would also have her Mothers, from both sides of her family, Her Sisters, Aunts, and cousins would be involved and accompany her own gnome of resources. So, the choice of a wife taking on another wife from her sisters, or even concubine from her staff, to add children, wealth and resources to her family was a major accomplishment for her household. The Matriarchy was more often the Mother passing her inheritance to her Daughter's relationship., yet in later times, the Mother-Son. Mary is the Afrakan manifestation of Ma/Re. Ma/Re, Ma/Sun Ma/n was established, The Queen/Kandaki sat in power with her Son/Nsbity.

 Our ancient societies venerated the Universe of the night stars as the Great Mother Nut/Net. She was constantly giving birth to new Stars. "Evening and the morning is the first day,.."  Every day at dusk, Queen Mother Nut would swallow the Sun Ra and give birth to a new Daystar every morning, Our ancient queen mothers would present themselves to the sun, and like any plant or tree, she would ask the sun for new life. So, our ancient Ancestors thought of all Mothers as Madonnas and virgins who immaculately conceived their children from the Sun.

Auset was the sister/wife of the benevolent Ruler Ausar. Ausar was murdered by his jealous possessed brother Set. In her grief over the loss of her husband, Auset immaculately conceived a sun and named him Heru. The paradigm of Mother and Sun is prolific within the Ancient Afrikan diaspora.

MARY and KRST were the foundations of Christianity. Yet the Presence of Mary diminished to no representation in the patriarchal trinity who covered her with a sheet, then embalmed her into a Holyghost in the Aryan Abrahamic, Jew, Christian, and Islamic religions and cultures.

Until we return to the Matriarchal structure, the Melanin people will continue to suffer, economically and in our families
We must return to the trinity of the Father, Mother, and Child reunion.