The Tuskegee syphilis experiment[1] (also known as the Tuskegee syphilis study or Public Health Service syphilis study) was a clinical study conducted between 1932 and 1972 in Tuskegee, Alabama, by the U.S. Public Health Service.
So, "what is going on?" We definitely need to wake up and realize what is occurring right in our Afrikan homes and communities, through the U.S. Government, the U.S. medical, and the Food and Drug Administration departments, which also includes local hospitals, City Health departments, HUD housing, penal institutions, clinics, and doctor’s offices. It is about time we expose what has been hidden about our health and well being and to face the realities of the ongoing Maafa genocide of this world, against all people of Afrikan Descent. Many of our people are unaware or in denial of what is really happening, what is STILL happening around us- to our loved ones and our families. We must also realize our ties in the U.S. with the Global atrocities and genocide on Indigo people of Afrikan Descent all over the planet.

Just as Henrietta Lacks’ Family was completely unaware, that their mother’s cells were being used for countless medical and human experiments. We are all called to be vigilant- to stand watch over one another. In the words of Harriet Tubman, “I freed a thousand slaves I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.”
The sad reality is, this atrocity at Tuskegee is not the only a hidden and ignored account of human exploitation and abuse! First we must put into perspective chattel slavery itself. Indigo People of Afrikan descent has endured at least 400 years of criminal dehumanization and genocide. Afrikan people who were enslaved were often experimented on against their will. Even many existing African communities were marked and used as test subjects without their prior knowledge or permission. The pseudo-philosophies of Eugenics, Social Darwinism, Nazism, and white supremacy were used to justify the inhuman treatment of our people. Gas, Radiation, exposure to toxic chemicals, Vaccines and experimental surgeries were rampantly used on non-consenting Black Women, Children, and Men. Our People were used like guinea pigs and white rats, to improve the health and well-being of non-Afrikan peoples. For instance, James Merriam Sims was a caucasian who grew to become a well-known scientist, who built his career on his performance of the most ghoulish experiments on Women of Afrikan descent, who were captured and imprisoned, to be used as test subjects for gynecology. Sims even used Black soldiers during the civil war. U.S. Scientific Experimentations were rampant, even in the Motherland of Afrika before World War I. Many of the experiments conducted on the so-called Jews of Europe, were an adjunct from the cruel trials that were first conducted in Afrika. Currently, we are subjected to the atrocities, of HIV/AIDS and other nameless STDs, Viruses, like Ebola and other germ war, and outright neglect and attrition, like Katrina and Flint Michigan Water Crisis.
The war on Drugs was a war on Indigo Afrikan Peoples. Our own children were caught in the trap of the school-to-prison-pipeline, as we gathered and brought our children out of the frying pan of Jim Crow forced segregation, into the flames of Integration, Indoctrination, forced assimilation and Neo-Enslavement of the 13th Amendment, incarceration and Wage/Debt slavery.
We must take back control of our own destinies as Indigo Peoples of the Afrikan diaspora, by taking back control and making critical choices about our food, water and health. Many of us were lynched and pushed off of our lands, or denied access to our own fertile lands, that would have enabled us to grow food for our families and nation, through Jim Crow laws, Real Estate Fraud, and sharecropping traps.
When you consider that historically, this is the main reason our ancestors were snatched away from their own towns and communities, right here in the American diaspora as well as the African Diaspora, then forced to work to death for someone else’s empowerment and profit, there is a profound irony to this. We Indigo People possessed the 3rd eye innate knowledge of the land resources and animals, Just like the mysticism of George Washington Carver, and that spiritually, connects us to all life energy. In many cases, we presently express a lack of interest in traveling outdoors, gardening and food cultivation, Animal Caretaking, often, not even having a small herb garden in one’s home. I know that deep inside of us, we still have access to the knowledge of our Afrikan Ancestors, who charted the stars, the earth, and the waterways. Our Ancestors traversed the vortexes of the oceans, raised civilizations and systems, communed with all life forms on this planet- from the air, land and waters, and then harvested an abundance of nutritious foods, maneuvering through feast and famine. Our Ancestors had innate knowledge of healing modalities within, and without of ourselves and this planet. We did not need alien public health “programs”outside of our own healing practices in our communities. I would like to encourage you to return to our own ways. Yes, we must divest from this Medical Maniacal Maafa! I have Established Amen Ankh Enterprises which centers around a family education resource network. I have a program of You G.R.O.W.W. Girls and Youth Growing Green and a bridge for our youth...
As We Heal the Earth- We Heal Ourselves!
Population Control was the passion of John C. Cutler author of controversial Guatemala syphilis study, the US now apologizes for « Saynsumthn’s Blog!