Look at the charts below and say the COLOR
and NOT the WORD... (Your right brain wants to say the color, but our
left brain insists on reading the word..
We really have 3 brains(5 parts) in our head. The right brain is
Random, Intuitive, Wholistic, Subjective and Synthesizing. So, as a
result, the right brain controls the way
one Feels a rhythm, distinguishes color, stimulates Imagination or the
appreciation of dimension and distance for instance. The right brain
also controls the opposite-left side of one's body. So by closing the
right eye, while using only your left eye, you might strengthen access
to your right brain(which recognizes abstraction, structure and color...
Whole brain thinkers are able to balance the right and left functioning of their thoughts. ...As a parent and educator, I have often thought a...bout the
flaws of our educational system. Many are well aware of how the
educational system is not set up for the achievement and advancement of
our Afrikan children. There is still (imho) too much of an emphasis and
imbalance of left-brain functioning as a gauge of intelligence and
academic success. I often sought to give opportunities for our children
to express themselves using more of their multiple Intelligences.
Dr Amos Wilson speaks truth to power on the challenge of our Afrikan children! Also: Also: