Trayvon Martin and the End of Post Racial Delusions
July 17, 2013 at 1:51pm
I wish to express my deepest and most sincere expressions of sorrow, to the Martin Family for their loss.
I AM TRAYVON’s FAMLY. I am his aunt, his cousins, his sister, his teacher, his grandmother, I stand with his family, I live in HIS world… I am so disappointed. For my suns who have been lynched by the “In-Just-Us” of this society, for so long. My outrage and complete loss of trust in the US civic and legal system isn't just about "z" anymore. It is about our own self-determination in controlling our own self determination, and abandoning an oppressive, institutionalized racist power structure- that systematically emasculates and dehumanizes our men, women and children, and censors and manipulates the mass media to influence and distort world opinion. "z" was only an attack dog who ran off his leash, for the status quo of gentrified communities and the privileges of a racist system, commercial businesses and real estate. So z only served the interests of that status quo.
I AM TRAYVON’s FAMLY. I am his aunt, his cousins, his sister, his teacher, his grandmother, I stand with his family, I live in HIS world… I am so disappointed. For my suns who have been lynched by the “In-Just-Us” of this society, for so long. My outrage and complete loss of trust in the US civic and legal system isn't just about "z" anymore. It is about our own self-determination in controlling our own self determination, and abandoning an oppressive, institutionalized racist power structure- that systematically emasculates and dehumanizes our men, women and children, and censors and manipulates the mass media to influence and distort world opinion. "z" was only an attack dog who ran off his leash, for the status quo of gentrified communities and the privileges of a racist system, commercial businesses and real estate. So z only served the interests of that status quo.

To think that people have actually met together in the United States, in their private gated communities, and neighborhood associations, to make a plan to control and destroy another people, and establish ground rules to justify the killing of people of color is revolting. For our young men to be on an unspoken curfew- and an invisible redline, where they cannot go out at night to buy the toxic waste of GMO high fructose corn syrup, chemically preserved and artificially flavored junk candy and drink, is a paradox. Yet, our young Black Men have been profiled from the third grade for the prison industrial complex by the decrepit US public education system, that is still segregated- with predominantly caucasian middle class mentality teachers, who spend their paychecks outside the district where they teach, who drive in to teach, then drive out, to return to neighborhoods- where Trayvons don't belong. These teachers do not work in the districts where they live. Yet, they have no real investment in the students and neighborhoods where they work. So, re-segregation is established with Caucasian teachers driving in, to teach students, in another economic community instead of the children being bused into their community.
Many Black people have assimilated to a public access system- where they leave their neighborhoods to work at jobs, buy from stores, eat GMO grocery foods, and pay rent to absentee landlords- to bring wealth to the economics of another area, that does not support the student's or their neighborhoods. So now, Black People live in so called integrated, economically red lined, oppressive social environments as consumers, instead of organizing to create and own OUR own private societies. (Every successful Black economic community was blown up by US domestic military!) Further more, Black Parents have raised their own children to "get out of the ghetto"- leave their communities and get a "good job" to support someone elses world paradigm, instead of building and supporting their own private world.

Here in Kansas City, we have the Country Club Plaza and the Power and "Light"(Reich)districts for example, that are heralded as elite commercial and tourism attractions. These same commercial business organizations put in place, a watchdog of security, that stereotype our Afrikan American males in particular, and arbitrarily institute their dress codes to attack the culture and attire of African Americans. They have also attacked African American business owners and discouraged patronage by sending city officials to nitpick and enforce city codes, and the police, to harass the patrons in the parking lots and on their way home. To address this blatant discrimination, our young people staged a “White Tee-Shirt” Protest in 2008… , Very little was changed. Even Afrikan American men, dressed in full traditional African Attire, have been thrown out of businesses in that district.
Trayvon still matters today. The legacy of this young man’s life and
his traumatic destruction and miscarriage of justice, reverberates, echoes and metastasizes
as a symbol in so many matters of day to day prejudices, bigotry, stereotypes, sentiments,
attitudes and actions, toward our Black youth here in Kansas City. Currently,
our youth are being racially profiled, corralled and blocked out of public
access areas in Kansas City. KC Black parents are not organized to self-police our
own neighborhoods and sufficiently provide mentorship, and assistance for struggling
single parents, chaperones or transportation for the youth in public areas. Black
people are expressing so much self-hatred toward the culture of our youth, and yet, we are steadily
being harassed, detained, picked off, shot at and quarantined by the police, targeting mostly
the blighted zip codes where many Black elderly, disabled, lower income single
parents and those on fixed incomes are concentrated.
Now Kansas City,MO. builds a brand new police campus that includes
a forensic lab (as if there is an anticipation of more death by murder and
crime.) Prior to this multi-million dollar building project, many of the Black
Homeowners (often elderly and on fixed incomes) were forced out of their
properties, without even a fair market replacement value, which prevented them
from restoring their lives and being able to move into another home that was comparable
to their existing way of life. In effect, our youth are being systematically
captured, fingerprinted, photographed and branded as juvenile delinquents to be
treated as refugees in their own residential areas. This seems like our youth
are pre-sentenced for the prison Industrial complex. The paradox of federal penitentiaries is that the tax dollars are are now given to the rural areas for each prisoner, where the majority of these prisons are built- in many cases ON THE SAME LAND THAT WAS ONCE USED AS SLAVE PLANTATIONS! So even more money is siphoned out of the Black economy and neighborhoods.
What I find disturbing is the apathy! In any other community, If we found 2 youth per week, murdered, or missing, there would be an international moratorium until there is an end to this tragedy! Yet this IS happening, all over the world, to people of color. Black families, overwhelmingly are not involved in the foster parents. programs. The majority of the children who are left orphaned by our imprisoned fathers and mothers, are also left vulnerable, so that the cycle perpetually continues. To compound this, Afrikan Americans are dying MORE from stress, and contaminated foods to mitigate what I call the hand of death and disease, Stroke, Heart Attack, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, and Cancers!
It is so typical to hear House Negro-peons attempt to rationalize a “post racial society” when it is nonexistent. I speak of arrogant classicism and privilege in the oppression of man’s inhumanity against man and in opposition to our struggle for human rights in which African American leaders were slaughtered, lynched and detoured from the successful achievement of economic acquisition by Cointelpro. If you would only research the profound disparities in relationship to police and civil brutality and murder of African American Men, and the prison industrial complex, You would know that the odds are stacked against our people. YES I AM ANGRY and very hurt about the continual and systematic injustices toward African Americans and those who seek to rationalize and justify the wholesale lynching, murder, disenfranchisement and neo-slavery of our men from the third grade- to special education and the penitentiary. This is a cycle of violence and terrorism that our young men are daily introduced to. Like Trayvon, I had a Father and Mother in my household. Now our Brothers, Uncles, Sons, Students, and Grandsons need more than just their fathers and mothers living together in the household, with a basketball hoop and an integrated “Kum-ba-yah”. YES they need to know how to live, survive and maneuver in a world of callus bigots, invisible redlining and a treacherous civil and legal Justice system!
Trayvon also had a father and mother in his household- Trayvon went out on the night of his murder, at the request of his little brother, to get some candy and a drink, and was never able to make it back home to his family or his little brother- to be a role model and a big brother to him!
YES! We have the same rights to our own Kujichagulia (Self-determination) -in building our own self- sustainable economic communities, just as Latinos, Jewish, Native Americans, Chinese, Mennonites, Islamic and Italian, Koreans, and other communities have. There is nothing wrong with having both, an Integrated community, for those who choose to do so, and for those who choose to establish their own gated communities to do so. WE NEED OUR OWN small businesses, We need to be land owners, acquire resources, energy, institute militias, private security! We DON’T NEED TO LIVE AS SECOND CLASS CITIZENS in a society that still views African Americans as a “sub-class.”
I AM TRAYVON’s FAMILY. I am his mother, his aunt, his cousins, his sister, his teacher, his grandmother, and I live in HIS world… My suns have been lynched by the “just-us” of this hateful fascists society, far too long. I have a right to grieve the loss of my sun without the desensitized, callus, typical, middle class conservative worldview, platitudes, sentiments and opinions. I hear and read the hateful gloating of the same old hardened hearts, insensitive and offensive, "Archie Bunker" bigoted mentality. It is apparent that imperialist and US elitists may have some “demons” of their own to deal with. There is blood on your hands. You have used African Americans as your scapegoats far too long.
By the way, there is no such thing as “race.” It is a political construct (like the term urban core) to isolate, redline, dehumanize and terrorize individuals and independent groups to rob them of economic stability. Yet, racial profiling still exists, along with, police brutality, economic redlining, bought and paid for politicians, nonprofit and corporate special interest groups, hate groups, gated communities, and other “white” collar criminals and invaders of independent and emerging independent communities! When I use the word “white” I don’t speak of race- I speak of class and privilege like in South Afrika where even Oprah is considered "white" as long as she and other"Black elite" or "talented tenth" support the polarization and partitioning of people of color as a sacrifice.
I am a living soul having a human experience. I am not afraid or hateful or bitter. I have the right to cry and have complex thoughts and plans and hopes for the future of my children, I want to tell my suns, our Daughters, our People that they have a right to live free- anywhere in the US and the world without racial profiling. We shall arise. We will press on...
Sba Adenike Amen-Ra of Amen Par Ankh (Sacred temple of Life)