Saturday, September 24, 2022

Leave Your Ankh /Yoni Alone

The Ankh is the sacred and private area of the woman's body. You are KRST. You are Kandaki. Live your BEST Version! The VULVA  is the genital region of a female that contains, the Clitoris, Urinary, Vaginal, and Rectal, areas. The VAGINA is a narrow stretchable canal that runs INSIDE the body. This leads to the Cervix and the Uterus. The Vagina is the shaft of the Ankh. 

The best thing you can do for your vaginal canal is to leave it alone.

  • Let it breathe.
  • The vaginal canal cleans itself.
  • Vaginal discharge is normal.
  • If your vagina stinks or your discharge stinks and has a color then go see a gynecologist
  • Wearing panty liners 24/7 is not necessary. Most panty liners producers used a Dioxin poison to bleach the materials. Dioxin is a carcinogen.
  • Vaginas are acidic enough on their own to BLEACH fabric, hence the discoloration of underwear.
  • Longer labias are more normal than smaller ones (but both are fine).
  • A man's semen and sperm CAN throw off your pH balance and also change the smell of your vagina
  • STOP douching and washing your vagina with bath & body works, Victoria's Secret, and any other highly chemically processed cosmetics. This stuff is not healthy for the vagina. they contain carcinogenic preservatives. they are not natural,  It is not safe for vaginas to smell like artificial sunshine and flowers so quit expecting it to.
  • *Do not use soaps in your vagina.
  • Having sex has no correlation with how "tight" your vagina is.
  • Yeast infections are COMMON!!!
  • Always urinate after sex to rinse the urinary tract of fluids that could be caught there and can cause UTIs.
  •  DRINK WATER- Stay Hydrated!
  • COTTON panties ladies, or natural fibers like Linen, Bamboo, and pure silkworm silk! Wearing acrylic, polyester, nylon, imitation silk, and satin lace seven days a week will absolutely throw your Ph off. Don't argue with me about this. Even if you say your mama put you in satin diapers and all you've ever worn is satin panties. If that's true, YOUR ANKH IS OFF. I GUARANTEE it.
  • Stop sprinkling powders on your lady bits, stop IMMEDIATELY! Talc causes cancer. Corn Starch is smothering your pores with GMOs. This isn't a hoax or a joke and I don't care if your 97-year-old great Aunt has been using it twice a day, every day. STOP IT! TODAY!
  • The Vagina is a natural sperm killer, except when you’re ovulating with the exception of a very high pH level. (Of Corse you should still use birth control if you choose not to get pregnant.)
  • Stop letting men who think washing their privates and moisturizing is gay, try and tell you how to care for your ladybits. Ladies, stop letting boys who got sex-ed from Pornhub tell you about YOUR vagina.