Saturday, November 21, 2009

Star Crystal Nubian! 11/14/09

We are the first humans and the mother of all civilizations. We studied the stars for hundreds of thousands of centuries and then traveled-migrated throughout this planet, bearing the gifts of our knowledge and established human existence. We did this over and over again for each millennial age! Even if you don’t follow the Yacub philosophy, the caucasian and all other "races" are our children. With this application, we can no longer limit ourselves to the continent of Afrika. We are Nubian- Hue-man people! We charted the stars and calculated, with mathematical precision- time. We made the first recorded calendars, and oceanic water vortex charts! We are aboriginal to the entire earth (if not also the oceans!) We are they and they are we! We are mankind and we should evolve from relegating ourselves to one continent. Afrika may be our birthplace- then, all of mankind came from one mother! We are first present as Olmec, Australian, German, Chinese, Indian…etc. if you look to the origins of every cultural foundation, The melaninated, nappy haired hue-man, was at their beginning!

I would like to end with this cryptic message from writer and author, Jamal Ali;

Until we can see the world, the planet, the universe differently — free of the conditioning of western society — until we can truly embrace the indigenous vision of our ancestors, not only will we not be able to recognize nor truly practice their wisdom systems, we will remain less than truly human, and victims of those less powerful and wise.  If you cannot see it, you cannot imagine it;  if you cannot imagine it, you cannot manifest it…and until you can see/imagine it, even if someone else manifest it, you will not accept it as possible, much less real.  Remember, with the present state of technology, truly separate is not really an option.  The better more comprehensive goal is to develop the inner strength, discernment and critical thinking skills necessary such that one can walk the world, under any circumstances, and remain centered, grounded in the principles and vision which empower and exalt our people.