Saturday, August 28, 2010


Oh yeah, there's a private internal conflict going on in the US. The Middle East seems like a distraction in comparison. The Middle East has been the target for exploitation by U.S./european imperial private interests for quite sometime now (for decades.)  The real product that the US is fighting for in the middle east, is their heroin market- not oil (they are getting plenty of oil from Afrika.) The Arms-for-Drugs trade is lead by our senate and house of representatives who are a hand picked cast and crew of sponsors of "corporatocracy." Study the list of our Senators and Reps- then compare their dossier of investments, their properties and business with those who funded their political campaigns... The Dole's, The Hunts', Shell oil, MGM, Columbia pictures, to name a few! These families represent their corporate interest's over the people that their position is supposed to represent. Not to mention the bloodlines to the Illuminati and trilateral commission. Oh, and don't forget the Asians who have bought into a piece of the U.S. pie (They have purchased an enormous portion of the land rites and real-estate of this U.S.. Instances, like Rockefeller Center (where the new years eve ball is traditionally dropped- ain't owned by Rockefeller anymore!) Do you seriously think that Chaney gave up his ties and control of Haliberton? Oh Yeah! There's a private war going on... and a training ground for the "3Ks", Minutemen, fundamentalist-religious-extremists, immigration-border patrol  extremists, and other militias/terr-or-ganizations. "Armageddon" interests are all right here in the U.S. Inc.! The Middle East is a training field for these extremists. There is a constant Islam vs Christianity conflict going on- that is orchestrated my the Jews.

We American Afrikans aren't included in the "Just-US" Justice club neither!!! No matter how large our population expands, Afrikans, Mexicans, etc. in America will always be classified as "minorities" so that the "majority" RULES! (which is only a fragment of their population.) To think that some of our young Afrikan men are volunteering to fight in "their wars" (and potentially being used for "friendly fire" target practice,) while other Afrikan young men are volunteering to participate in the N--s (Saggin spelled backwards) gang-ster "war"(the war on drugs is really a war on us)... only to serve time in the prison-slave plantations as some kind of "initiation" into a gang! This is just another tag and release set up!

Also, with our health care program, the future vision is for the military and the elite to exclusively receive medical care as "citizens" of the US Inc.. The rest of us will be on our own! So we had better brush up on our herbal and homeopathic knowledge!!! Remember the depopulation program of Codex Alimentarius began January 1st 2009! With Bird flu, Swine flu, and HIV, annually engaging a "code-red" epidemic- sooner or later they will "get it right." Speaking of viruses- the way any toxin is introduced into the genetic make up of a cell is through a virus! That's right! That is how the food that we buy in the common markets are produced- our Frankenstein- tasteless tomatoes, Monsanto corn, seedless water melons and navel oranges are "created!" We are always hearing about salmonella- ecol i food recalls these days...They are spraying raw sewage and livestock feces on the crops we eat! It seems that things have not changed very much from when the FDA was first introduced!

As long as we still have a "knee jerk" response to our problems, we will become marionette puppets in our own down fall! I think that we have sedated ourselves with fluoridated, hormone filled water and processed grains, adulterated meats and microwave ovens, for so long that we are too impotent to fight, so we fight with them and against our own humanity!